§ 28-20. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Biohazardous or biomedical waste means any waste that falls under the definition of the term "hazardous waste" presented in this section and/or falls under the definition of the term "bio-medical waste" or "biological waste" as defined by Rule 17-712.200 F.A.C.
Bulky waste means any solid waste that requires additional management due to such bulk or weight and weighs greater than 50 pounds and includes, but is not limited to, tires, furniture such as sofas and mattresses, and similar waste that can be placed in garbage truck hoppers and disposed in a county solid waste management facility.
Commercial or commercial establishment(s) means places of business, including, but not limited to, hotels, motels, restaurants, offices, industries, stores, manufacturing businesses, food processing businesses, and other locations within the town, which hold themselves out to the public as places of business or accommodations. A commercial place of business includes nursing homes and adult congregate living facilities, mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks.
Commercial trash means any and all accumulations of paper, rags, excelsior or other packing materials, wood, paper or cardboard boxes or containers, sweepings, and any other accumulation not included under the definition of the term "garbage," generated by the operation of stores, offices, and other business places. Commercial trash shall include furniture, appliances, car parts, tires, and all other accumulations not included within the definition of garbage, and shall be included in the uniform level of service, if properly prepared in a manner consistent with the present level of service.
Construction and demolition waste means waste materials generally considered to be not water soluble and nonhazardous in nature, including, but not limited to, steel, glass, brick, concrete, asphalt material, pipe, gypsum wallboard, and lumber, resulting from the construction or demolition of a structure or from the renovation of a structure. Mixing of construction and demolition debris with other types of solid waste, including material which is not from the actual construction or destruction of a structure, will cause it to be classified as other than construction and demolition waste.
Construction cleanup contractor means any person, company, association, partnership, corporation or other group of individuals organized, duly licensed and permitted by the town to perform cleaning and the incidental hauling and disposal of construction refuse from construction sites.
Container means any detachable container designed or intended to be mechanically dumped into a packer type garbage truck used by contractors and varying in size. Such container is to be maintained so as to be leak proof and rodent resistant.
Curb service means a refuse pick-up made by franchisee within three feet of the curb or street line.
Extraordinary waste means items which are not part of the normal solid waste stream and which require extraordinary management and include but are not limited to abandoned automobiles and boats, waste oil, sludge, septic tank pumpage, land clearing debris and tree trunks greater than 50 pounds.
Franchisee means the firms authorized by the town by franchise agreement to provide solid waste collection services in the town.
Garbage means animal, fruit and vegetable waste, either along with or in combination with other perishable matter resulting from the handling, storage, sale, preparation, cooking, servicing or consumption of foods which are subject to decomposition or decay. These wastes and the containers in which such items are packaged shall be contained to prevent the generation of noxious gases and odors, the breeding of flies and other insects and the feeding of rodents.
Garbage can or refuse receptacle or bag means any steel, plastic, aluminum, or galvanized receptacle or refuse bin of not more than 30 gallons or 50 pounds full and shall be of the design that allows for easy lifting with two handles. These receptacles are to have tight fitting lids. Plastic bags of heavy mil construction are also considered garbage receptacles. Receptacles pertain to residential or commercial use.
Hazardous waste means wastes that are inherently dangerous in handling and disposal. These wastes include toxic chemicals, solvents, acids, bases, flammable wastes and explosives. Also included are all hazardous substances enumerated in 42 USCA 9601 et seq., "Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility Compensation and Liability Act."
Holiday means Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day or those days approved by the town.
Industrial waste means any nonhazardous solid waste accumulations of metal, metal products, minerals, chemicals, rocks, building rubble, cement, asphalt, tar, oil, grease, glass, crockery, rubber, rubber tires, bottles, cans, lumber, sawdust, waste from animal packing or slaughterhouses and other materials which may be created by an industrial, construction, or manufacturing operation.
Multifamily dwelling means any building containing two but not more than three permanent living units, not including motels and hotels. Buildings containing more than three living units and using mechanical containers are classified as commercial accounts.
Rear yard/backdoor means any physical location for the placement of refuse accumulations intended for residential service collection and disposal on the customer's property that is not curbside.
Recoverable materials means any material which can be collected from commercial customers and processed by a state approved recycling facility for resale and effective reuse of the material.
Recycling materials or recyclables means any material to be collected by the contractor for the purposes of recycling at the county's materials recovery facility, or other designated facility. Recycling materials include, but shall not be limited to, newspaper, clear, green and brown glass containers, aluminum cans and foil, steel cans, number 1—7 plastics, cardboard, magazines, phone books, Kraft bags, box board, fiberboard, junk mail, office paper, miscellaneous paper, and electronic recyclables.
Refuse means both rubbish and garbage or a combination or mixture of rubbish and garbage, including paper, glass, metal and other discarded matter, excluding recyclable materials.
Residential collection service means the refuse collection service provided to persons occupying residential dwelling units within the designated area, who are not receiving commercial service.
Rubbish means worthless unwanted material that is rejected or thrown out.
Single-family dwelling means a building or mobile home containing one dwelling unit designed for a one-family unit maintaining separate and independent housekeeping including at least one kitchen to provide shelter, sanitation, and the amenities for permanent human habitation. A dwelling unit does not include hotels, motels, boardinghouses or roominghouses, dormitories, fraternity or sorority houses, lodginghouses, guest cottages, nursing care homes, travel trailers, or temporary lodging, boarding or rooming buildings or structures designed for transient residence.
Sludge means any solid or semi-solid or liquid generated from any water or wastewater treatment plant, air pollution control facility, septic tank, grease trap, portable toilet and related operations, or any such waste having similar characteristics or effect.
Solid waste means any garbage, rubbish, industrial waste, yard waste, extraordinary waste or other semi-solid material resulting from domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, or governmental operations including refuse and special waste, excluding hazardous waste, sludge, asphalt, tar, oil and grease, and excluding any hazardous substances as set forth in 40 CFR 261, and other applicable laws and ordinances.
Solid waste disposal facility means any solid waste management facility which is the final destination for solid waste.
Special service means any collection or disposal service provided which exceeds the uniform level of service provided and for which a special charge is applied.
Subscribe means to maintain in good standing an account with the town or the town's franchisee for solid waste collection service. For purposes of this article, an account shall be considered to be in good standing if each invoice issued by the town or franchisee with respect to the account is paid in full within the month for which the invoice is issued.
Town means the Town of Orange Park, Florida.
Uniform level of service means any and all garbage and yard waste which conforms to the preparation and storage requirements of the franchise agreement.
Unsanitary nuisance means the commission of any act or the keeping, maintaining, propagation, existence or the permission of anything by an individual, municipality, organization, corporation, or other legal entity by which health or life may be threatened or impaired or by which, directly or indirectly, disease may be caused. The following conditions defined as nuisances injurious to health include: treated and improperly treated human waste, garbage, offal, dead animals or dangerous waste materials from manufacturing processes harmful to human or animal life and are pollutant gases and noisome odors which are harmful to health, or to human and animal life; also the creation, maintenance or causing of any condition capable of breeding flies, mosquitoes, or other arthropods and rodents capable of physical harm and transmitting diseases directly or indirectly to humans.
White goods includes discarded washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, small air conditioning units, and other similar domestic and commercial large appliances.
Yard waste, vegetative waste, garden trash or horticultural means solid waste that is an accumulation of lawn grass, or shrubbery cuttings, work clippings and dry leaf rakings, palm fronds, tree branches, bushes or shrubs, green leaf cuttings, fruits or other matter usually created as refuse in the care of lawns and yards that does not exceed five feet in length. This does not include large branches, trees, or bulky and non-containerized material not susceptible to normal loading and collection in packer type sanitation equipment used for regular collection from domestic households.
(Ord. No. 14-12, exh. A(11-02), 9-5-2012)