§ 7.31.00. Sign location criteria.
The following location standards shall apply to all signs, unless stated otherwise in this article.
Freestanding signs.
Freestanding signs shall only be allowed on sites with a frontage of 50 feet or more.
Unless specifically noted in this article, signs shall be located wholly within the premises and shall maintain a minimum setback of ten feet from all property lines. However, no sign shall be allowed within an easement not designated to include signs, or within a sight triangle.
No freestanding sign shall be located within 15 feet from any other freestanding sign, on or off the premises. On corner lots, the freestanding signs on each frontage shall be at least 100 feet apart, measured along the rights-of-way. This requirement does not apply to temporary signs.
Freestanding signs shall include landscaping around the base of the sign. The plant material shall be selected for the preferred plant list in Article VI to complement and enhance the sign.
Signs in nonresidential zoning districts shall not be located closer than 50 feet from a residential zoning district.
Other signs.
Wall signs shall not cover more than 75 percent of the width of the wall where they are placed, except if business is occupying more than one unit and no other wall signs will be placed on the adjoining unit(s) or if there are architectural elements separating façades where signs would be located.
Wall signs shall not cover windows and shall preserve the architectural integrity of the building.
No wall sign shall extend above the roofline.
Wall signs on multistory buildings are allowed above the first floor.
Wall signs shall not be allowed within 50 feet facing a residential zoning district.
A projecting sign shall be erected only on a wall of a building, and shall not project out more than four feet. Projecting signs over a parking space, travel lane, or a driveway shall have a minimum clearance from finished grade of 14 feet to the bottom of the sign.
Awning lettering shall be placed on the awning valance and not on the vertical arc or diagonal portion of the awning.
Directory signs may be attached to a wall or be freestanding, but shall not be located within 50 feet of any public right-of-way line.
(Ord. No. 01-18, § 1(Exh. A), 1-2-2018)