§ 3.00.00. Purpose and intent. |
§ 3.01.00. Jurisdiction. |
§ 3.02.00. Applicability. |
§ 3.03.00. Definitions. |
§ 3.04.00. Preapplication procedure. |
§ 3.05.00. Procedure for approval of final construction plans for required improvements and conditional approval of preliminary plat. |
§ 3.06.00. Procedure for recording of final plat. |
§ 3.07.00. Preparation of plats. |
§ 3.08.00. Design standards for streets. |
§ 3.09.00. Design standards for alleys. |
§ 3.10.00. Design standards for easements. |
§ 3.11.00. Design standards for drainage. |
§ 3.12.00. Design standards for blocks. |
§ 3.13.00. Design standards for lots. |
§ 3.14.00. Required improvements—Monuments. |
§ 3.15.00. Street name signs. |
§ 3.16.00. Storm drainage. |
§ 3.17.00. Clearing and grading of rights-of-way. |
§ 3.18.00. Bridges and culverts. |
§ 3.19.00. Sewer and water. |
§ 3.20.00. Streets; curbs and sidewalks; underdrains. |
§ 3.21.00. Utility lines. |
§ 3.22.00. Street lighting. |
§ 3.23.00. Designation of street names. |
§ 3.24.00. Enforcement. |
§ 3.25.00. Approval of small subdivisions. |
§ 3.26.00. Unauthorized division of land prohibited. |
§ 3.27.00. Variance. |
§ 3.28.00. Fees. |
§ 3.29.00. Recordation of plat. |
§ 3.30.00. Penalties. |
§ 3.31.00. Amendments. |
§ 3.32.00. Savings clause. |
§ 3.33.00. Administration. |