§ 2.00.00. Purpose and policy.
The provisions of this article are enacted to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare and to implement the policies of the Town of Orange Park Comprehensive Plan. The provisions are specifically intended to:
Foster convenient, compatible and efficient relationships among land uses;
Promote a healthful and convenient distribution of population by regulating the density and intensity of development to achieve an economically balanced and diverse community;
Ensure greater public safety, convenience and accessibility through the physical design and location of land use activities;
Encourage the efficient use of the available land supply in the town, including redevelopment of underutilized and blighted properties;
Promote a balanced supply of commercial, industrial, institutional and transportation land uses that is compatible with adjacent land uses and has good access to the regional transportation network;
Preserve and enhance the character and quality of residential neighborhoods;
Promote a balanced, diverse supply of affordable, quality housing located in safe and livable neighborhoods;
Ensure the provision of adequate size of yards and open space;
Preserve and protect existing trees and vegetation, floodplains, scenic views and other areas of environmental significance from adverse impacts of land development; and
Ensure that the service demands of new development will not exceed the capabilities of existing streets, utilities or other public facilities and services.