§ 28-27. Unauthorized collection of recyclable waste prohibited.
All recyclable waste matter is hereby declared to be the property of the town from and after the time of placement of the recyclable waste matter in a town provided container at the curbside or street line for collection by the town's authorized franchisee. It shall be unlawful for any entity, person, firm, corporation, association, government or government agency other than the town to collect, pick up or cause to be collected or picked up any recyclable waste matter placed at the curbside or street line for collection by the town's franchisee. Each separate act of collecting or picking up an item of recyclable waste matter in a town provided container shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
(Ord. No. 14-12, exh. A(11-09), 9-5-2012)
State law reference
Resource recovery and management, F.S. § 403.702 et seq.